Sunday, November 18, 2012

Something new!

Nov. 18, 2012
Tomorrow we'll see our first pattern that isn't knotwork! A small round spiral pattern, found in abundance on the famous Chi-Rho page in the Book of Kells, sits in the lower part of the east arm of this cross.  It is a single motif here, the object being to add interest but not take away from the rest of the knotting or the pictures and text that will appear on the page.

Also tomorrow I will pass 100 total hours since October 3. Then the last sections of the working drawing were   falling into place  -- a twist to the snake, a fourth figure added to make a better balance (suggested by my son, Christopher), finalizing color schemes and the appearance of the text.  On the 18th, I cut the Bristol board to size and began tracing the design in orange. Some artists prefer to make this initial drawing in graphite then erase as they add color, but I use a light color that I can successfully incorporate into the final and therefore I needn't erase before the other colors are added.

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