Monday, November 19, 2012

And still the east arm is not quite done...

Nov. 19,2012
Sunlit studio, working on Violet's Cross
Today's picture was taken this dark autumn night as I waved lights around my tiny studio and try to get images of progress for the day.  What should happen is to take the photos outside  in the late morning, but I tend to think, "I'll just do a bit more before I take the shot for the day."  By the time I finish that little extra there's no light.  You can see the added design on the east or right arm and the knot work there is almost all done.

This is my studio on a sunny summer's day with the working drawing for Violet's Cross (see day 2) on the wall, a photo of the violet I decided to use as a model (viola labrodorica), pencils, sketches, and a fairly small north facing window.   Will be enlarged when the blog goes viral and the money starts pouring in.

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