Saturday, November 24, 2012

Nov. 24, 2012
The figures are here and the pink background is in, and tonight and tomorrow I should have time to do the first text of the piece and the outlining .  It will truly give the best idea of the completed piece.

In the meantime, to give you more information about the figure I have chosen from the Ethiopic Bible, I here repeat the introductory paragraph from the British Library:

The Ethiopian church was one of five Oriental Orthodox churches which rejected the council of Chalcedon in 451 A.D., thus forming a separate tradition from the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches. At the time this manuscript was produced, Ethiopia was undergoing a religious and artistic revival. The volume is a faithful copy of a 15th-century manuscript, and was probably commissioned by Emperor Iyasu (ruled 1682-1706). Historical notes in the manuscript suggest it was copied for the church of Debra Berhan Selassie, which remains one of Ethiopia's most well-known churches.

I like the variation this gives the page.  It seems that so many people's concept of the apostles and religious figures are not far removed from  hirsute late sixties Beatles or Eric Clapton pictures with robes and sandals.

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