Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Residents Show Their Feelings

When you have done a piece that you feel has the potential to be something beautiful and meaningful,  you may have to remind your family and pets to treat you with the reverence deserving of  your newly elevated artistic status.  In my case, it has been a struggle. It took several hours over two days to get our camera and tripod positioned so I could take pictures of the art in progress without constant manipulation of the paper, camera, and lights. Finally, I established an efficient work area and left my paper for a minute to get a coffee.  In that minute, our cat Sophia made it known that the warmth of the lights and soft paper were there for her comfort rather than any special purpose I might have in mind.

This morning I finished the top of the cross, which I feel is a strong part of the overall design, even if Sue does think it bears a strong resemblance to the Death Star.                                                                                                                                                                            

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