Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A social gathering

Nov.13, 2012
The soldier of the arts marches on: lemon yellow, carnelian, apricot, crimson alizarin, yellow again, perahps a bit more apricot, outline in crimson alizarin, outline again in prussian blue, then onto the next section, background in buff titanium and turquoise, then use primrose blender.  Stop, check, tidy up loose ends and begin the next section: lemon yellow...  Check for excess pigment and remove with a utility blade and then remove errant lines with artist's tape and perhaps a blade again, taking care to remove only the pigment -- don't dig into the paper! We are boldly marching to the East circle, where new challenges and changes await us.

Violet's Cross
Art work began at 5:30 am for an hour,  then back to bed, phone call from Kelly at 7:30, back to bed, work for an hour, eat, clean-up, chores, then out to Kris Jenott's.  Sue and Kris discuss some contract work for Krissie Knits, while Kris' Mom, Violet and I talk about the picture I did for her last year and the whys and wherefores of using colored pencil.  Along with coffee and cinnamon rolls, a splendid time was had by all.

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