Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Springing into action with Plan B

Dec. 12, 2012
When I thought I had control of things, I was going to complete the left arm of the cross then work the upper left quadrant before moving to the bottom section of the picture. "So why are you proceeding with the text and picture area first?" you ask.

The answer lies with the pencils I use.  There is only one retailer that carries loose stock of the Luminance pencils in the USA that I can find (Jerry's Artarama).  I am nearly out of the turquoise, and lemon yellow which form the basis of the cross and the yellow is back ordered until January 1.  Plan B calls for me to do left side first and I may even have to start on the lower right before recommencing on the cross itself. 

 "Is that a beach ball at the upper left?" you may also ask. Nay, I say, it is a type of triskelion, a design element used often Celtic art and  found as far back as 3200BC in Greek art. Many disc designs are found in Celtic art, the triskelion having three parts, others having two or four.  But I digress. Ours is waiting for a griffin to alight on top of it to be the other protector of the list of the secret names of God which will appear below.  There is also an artist angel who will appear soon to do the lettering on our list. They will show in full color soon!

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