Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wifely wisdom

I have a theoretical studio which is about 30 square feet of our bedroom with a drawing table under a north facing window. Sue, my wife, came into this space and looked at the cross I was working on for Jolene Carter and said, "Are you really thinking of making a copy of your smaller cross for her?" I had sent Jolene a message saying I thought this might be the best way to get her the size cross she wanted for the price we had agreed on. "Well, I would have to make a few changes," I said.

"You won't do it. I know that inside you won't be able to sell someone a piece of art you don't think is original." Then she walked out, got ready for work, and left for her checking job at Safeway.

The paper was in front of me with the size blocked in for a cross to fit a large space. I had tried for weeks ways to symbolically emphasize the Holy Trinity in a cross, all for naught. Suddenly a way struck me to do it. When I say suddenly, it was many sketches that didn't work over the past months, and recalling the placement my son suggested for a circular design on an earlier cross. It seemed to flow easily at this point and it wouldn't do not to include it in Jolene's cross.

So it may be the power of suggestion, divine intervention, or serendipity, but Jolene will get an original in the larger size at the price she wanted. Its all good.

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